viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Nueva derrota deontológica de los partidarios del homicidio médico.

El miercolés ha sido derrotada una moción para que la BMA (Asociación Médica Británcia) adoptara una posición "neutral" hacia la eutanasia:
On Wednesday the British Medical Association Annual Representative Meeting debated a motion on euthanasia. Motion 332 called for the BMA to adopt a neutral position on ‘assisted dying’. It had been brought forward by members of the pressure group ‘Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying’(HPAD) in an attempt to neutralise medical opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia ahead of a new parliamentary bill calling for legalisation. HPAD is closely affiliated to Dignity in Dying, the former Voluntary Euthanasia Society and this motion was part of a carefully orchestrated campaign.
Aquí esta el link al artículo completo en Mercatornet.

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